Estrogen levels in the body can be reduced with the help of medications or dietary supplements referred to as estrogen blockers. The development and maintenance of female reproductive organs as well as secondary sex characteristics require the estrogen hormone. It is produced in small amounts by males as well, and it aids in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and other biological functions.

There are many different types of estrogen blockers, two examples of which are selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and aromatase inhibitors. SERMs are medications that bind to the body’s estrogen receptors and stop estrogen from exerting the desired effects. The enzyme aromatase is prevented from converting androgens (male hormones) into estrogen by medications referred to as aromatase inhibitors.

Reasons Why Some People Use Estrogen Blockers

The use of an estrogen blocker is rationalized in a wide variety of situations. Estrogen blockers are widely used to treat breast cancer in female patients because estrogen can stimulate the growth of some breast cancer cells. They are occasionally used to treat other conditions such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Estrogen blockers can be used to treat gynecomastia, a condition in which the breasts enlarge in males.

Estrogen blockers have a number of physiological effects on the organism. Several estrogen blockers’ potential negative effects include the following:

Estrogen Blocker Side Effects

Estrogen blockers might have other impacts on the body, depending on the specific drug or dietary supplement taken and the person’s unique biology. It’s important to be aware of any hazards and negative effects prior to utilizing them.

Because of its potential side effects, estrogen blockers should only be used under the supervision of a medical expert. Several estrogen blockers’ negative consequences include the following:

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