What is Testosterone Propionate?
Testosterone is king when it comes to steroids. This hormone increases muscle size and strength drastically. The majority of steroids you hear about are one form or another of testosterone, and usually synthetic derivatives of testosterone. And a testosterone only cycle is usually the first step taken for a new steroid user.
Testosterone Propionate is a testosterone ester steroid with the shortest half life of all the most commonly used testosterone esters, at just two to three days. This makes it one of the faster acting testosterone esters as is released over a period of just a few days. Therefore, it delivers fast results and is quick to leave the body compared with other esters. It is also useful for cutting cycles and muscle gains.
Benefits of Testosterone:
- Enhanced protein synthesis – This gives you a massive improvement in recovery and the growth of muscle tissue, since this process is how proteins are built by cells. The more efficient protein synthesis is, the faster your muscles recover from intense workouts and the quicker the muscle is repaired and grown.
- Improves nitrogen retention – This is a critical process to keeping your body in the best anabolic state possible.When nitrogen becomes imbalanced, the body can fall into a catabolic state where you start losing muscle; this is to be avoided at all costs and the retaining of nitrogen ensures that your nitrogen output is lower than your intake of nitrogen – this is the prime state to be in for muscle growth. The better that nitrogen is balanced, the quicker the muscles recover the and faster they grow.
- Increases red blood cells – More oxygen and nutrients getting to the muscles with greater blood flow equals increased muscle endurance so you can workout harder and for longer. Recovery is also enhanced with a greater red blood cell count.
- Boosts insulin growth hormone (IGF-1) – This anabolic hormone is vital for many aspects of your bodybuilding goals: it’s involved in mass gain, endurance, fat burning and also boosts protein synthesis which in turn directly contributes to recovery through the repair of muscle tissue.
- Reduces stress hormones – In particular testosterone inhibits glucocorticoids. While these are important hormones in some ways such as for fighting inflammation, they can also promote wasting of the muscles and fat gain. Testosterone helps to stop glucocorticoid hormones from dominating so the body can retain a higher anabolic environment rather than a more catabolic one which can occur when glucocorticoids become too dominant. This is one of the most important yet little known or understood aspects of using testosterone steroids.
Recommend Dosage:
- Recommended Weekly Male Dosage: 250-1000mg but can vary based on goals and experience of user
- Ideal injection frequency: Daily, however, 3 days per week is sufficient
- Minimum cycle length: 8 weeks
- Ideal cycle length: 12 weeks
- Maximum cycle length: 20 weeks at high dosages
- Female Dosage: Not recommended for females.
Common Stacks:
Test Prop and other testosterone varieties are commonly used as bases for all stacks.
For size and strength, we recommend mixing Test Prop with either Deca Durabolin, NPP, Equipoise, or Trenbolone.
For users looking for extreme results we further recommend stacking with an oral anabolic such as Dianabol, Turinabol, Anadrol, Anavar or Winstrol.
We recommend the use of an estrogen blocker or aromatase inhibitor with all testosterone varieties. These products consist of Arimidex, Letrozole, Novaldex and Aromasin.
Ashley –
First time using BioBolic Labs, I am 5’8 195lbs, I will post in 14 days what my results are
Rakeem –
Good quality Testosterone, I’m really happy with the results
Steven –
stacking Test Pro with anavar and it is really helping me with my gains